Cut-Out Cops And Cardboard Policemen

Firstly, according to government figures there are approximately 250,000 reports of shoplifting in the UK each year. With the amount of shoplifters operating in cities and towns across the UK on the increase, subsequently, business owners may like to have the presence of a cardboard police man with them at all times. However we know that is not possible.

One solution, utilised by many shop owners and police forces, is to deploy life-size scale models of police officers.

Cardboard Policemen signs can stand in shops, forecourts, hotels, shopping centers and schools. However, they can be placed anywhere, and have been proven to act as a strong visual deterrent.

Therefore, whilst used primarily in shops to deter shoplifters, these life-like cut-outs can also be used in numerous locations and for many different Crime Prevention projects.

‘Cut-out Cops!’ can also be used to deter speeding or to combat Anti-Social Behaviour

The standard ‘Cut-out Cops!’ supplied by Normanton Screenprint are manufactured from 10mm thick Foam PVC (Foamex) and are suitable for outdoor use.

All our cut outs can also be manufactured from Correx (Fluted plastic), which similarly is suitable for outdoor use. Otherwise, there is an option for Display Board (cardboard)  for a more cost effective product (for indoor use only).

Life-Size Figures.

Any size, any shape

There are many different applications.

You may choose to supply your own image if you would like a bespoke design. 

However, they are not limited to ‘Cut-out Policemen or Policewomen’. The options are endless, they can be produced in many other shapes and figures, such as NHS Staff, Father Christmas or even garden gnomes!

Most importantly Normanton Screenprint can deliver ‘Cut-out Cops!’ UK wide to support local businesses, and help them to keep their stock, staff and business safe from criminal activity. In conclusion local authorities can contact NSP at anytime. Whether it’s by phone or email for a no obligation quotation.

Take a look at this article by The Telegraph to find out more about Cut-out Cops:

To sum up if you do require a quote or are not sure what you need. Please call us or email and speak to Kevin or a member of our design team on 0115 973 3323 or email us your enquiry at – or complete the contact from at contact-us

Finally please take a look at our sister site

For more examples of Cut-Out Cops and other life-size figures please visit our Product Gallery or watch this video below of how a cardboard policeman reduced speeding!

cut out policeman with speed gun on a housing estate